
United States · 60 Employees
SwiftAir is an innovative in-flight travel guide designed to provide air travelers with virtual tours, special offers and insider information about their destination city. The complimentary Web-based technology is viewable on board flights equipped with a Wi-Fi connection. Revolutionary to the marketplace, SwiftAir offers key benefits to our partners – both vendors and airlines – as well as to the end-users of the platform. As a vendor, SwiftAir provides a fresh and exciting entry point to reach an engaged audience who will be more receptive to learning about new products and services. Being featured on the SwiftAir platform, businesses can help consumers shape their travel experience while gaining exposure to a new and captive audience. As an airline, partnering with SwiftAir can provide unmatched value to passengers by enhancing their on board experience. Additionally, it can serve as a secondary revenue stream to help recover the costs of providing Wi-Fi to air travelers. A leading domestic airline is currently beta testing SwiftAir on select flights. .


国家 United States
成立时间 2011
总部 5526 dyer street, dallas, tx, united states
电话号码 +1 214 295 7389
网站 http://www.swiftairmedia.com
LinkedIn http://www.linkedin.com/company/swiftair
员工数 60
行业 marketing & advertising,
简介 SwiftAir is an innovative in-flight travel guide designed to provide air travelers with virtual tours, special offers and insider information about their destination city. The complimentary Web-based technology is viewable on board flights equipped with a Wi-Fi connection. Revolutionary to the marketplace, SwiftAir offers key benefits to our partners – both vendors and airlines – as well as to the end-users of the platform. As a vendor, SwiftAir provides a fresh and exciting entry point to reach an engaged audience who will be more receptive to learning about new products and services. Being featured on the SwiftAir platform, businesses can help consumers shape their travel experience while gaining exposure to a new and captive audience. As an airline, partnering with SwiftAir can provide unmatched value to passengers by enhancing their on board experience. Additionally, it can serve as a secondary revenue stream to help recover the costs of providing Wi-Fi to air travelers. A leading domestic airline is currently beta testing SwiftAir on select flights. .


SwiftAir 在哪里?

SwiftAir 的总部位于 5526 dyer street, dallas, tx, united states

SwiftAir 的电话号码是多少?

SwiftAir 的电话号码是 +1 214 295 7389

SwiftAir 的官方网站是什么?

SwiftAir 的公司官方网站是 http://www.swiftairmedia.com

SwiftAir 是做什么的?

SwiftAir 的业务有哪些?

SwiftAir 的年收入是多少?

SwiftAir 的收入是 0美元

SwiftAir 有多少员工?

SwiftAir 有 60 名员工

SwiftAir 属于哪个行业?

SwiftAir 从事以下行业: marketing & advertising

SwiftAir 使用什么技术?

SwiftAir 使用的一些流行技术包括:

如何联系 SwiftAir?

SwiftAir 联系信息: 电话号码:+1 214 295 7389, 网站:http://www.swiftairmedia.com, 邮箱:gta***@***.com

SwiftAir 的社交媒体链接是什么?

SwiftAir 领英:http://www.linkedin.com/company/swiftair,fackbook:,twitte:

SwiftAir 是一家上市公司吗?


SwiftAir 的最后一轮融资是什么时候?


谁投资 SwiftAir?

SwiftAir 有 0 家投资者,包括 。


Gonzalo Taboada

Director de Operaciones Tierra

Jose Moreno

Director responsable


Krastyu Zhelyazov

Aircraft Maintenance Certifying staff B1.1 Engineer B-737/300/400/500

Jesus Fez

Aircraft engineer B1.1

Neville Govender

Customs Entry Clerk

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