HunnyB's Soy Candles

United States · 1 Employees
HunnyB's Soy Candles was founded by three mothers that share the same dream! A dream of doing something we all enjoy, and in doing so we are able to provide a great product to our customers.\\Most of the candles you find today in your local department stores are made of paraffin, a petroleum based product. You most likely purchased these candles because they smelled nice. What you probably didn't know was that the Environmental Protection Agency warned that burning paraffin candles emits small but harmful amounts of toxins in the air (such as benzene and toluene, affirmed human carcinogens) and are considered a cancer risk with extended exposure.\\The HunnyB's are three mothers who became great friends while in search of making their dreams a reality.


国家 United States
成立时间 2011
总部 135 Strawn, Kyle, TX 78640
电话号码 +15124872701
员工数 1
行业 arts & crafts,
简介 HunnyB's Soy Candles was founded by three mothers that share the same dream! A dream of doing something we all enjoy, and in doing so we are able to provide a great product to our customers.\\Most of the candles you find today in your local department stores are made of paraffin, a petroleum based product. You most likely purchased these candles because they smelled nice. What you probably didn't know was that the Environmental Protection Agency warned that burning paraffin candles emits small but harmful amounts of toxins in the air (such as benzene and toluene, affirmed human carcinogens) and are considered a cancer risk with extended exposure.\\The HunnyB's are three mothers who became great friends while in search of making their dreams a reality.


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HunnyB's Soy Candles 在哪里?

HunnyB's Soy Candles 的总部位于 135 Strawn, Kyle, TX 78640

HunnyB's Soy Candles 的电话号码是多少?

HunnyB's Soy Candles 的电话号码是 +15124872701

HunnyB's Soy Candles 的官方网站是什么?

HunnyB's Soy Candles 的公司官方网站是

HunnyB's Soy Candles 是做什么的?

HunnyB's Soy Candles 的业务有哪些?

custom made,soy candles jars,soy candles votives,soy candles tealights,soy candles specialty,personal shopping,shopping

HunnyB's Soy Candles 的年收入是多少?

HunnyB's Soy Candles 的收入是 0美元

HunnyB's Soy Candles 有多少员工?

HunnyB's Soy Candles 有 1 名员工

HunnyB's Soy Candles 属于哪个行业?

HunnyB's Soy Candles 从事以下行业: arts & crafts

HunnyB's Soy Candles 使用什么技术?

HunnyB's Soy Candles 使用的一些流行技术包括: Mobile Friendly,Outlook,Shopify,Shopify Product Reviews

如何联系 HunnyB's Soy Candles?

HunnyB's Soy Candles 联系信息: 电话号码:+15124872701, 网站:, 邮箱:ema***@***.com

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